Tag Archives: fun

My Summer Bucket List

It’s been awhile since my last post. Ok. It’s been a LONG while since my last post. So much has happened over the past few months, and I have simply lost track of my personal writing. A big no-no in the blogging world. I want to prevent my busy schedule from messing up my plans again.

Who isn't ready for summer fun?

To stay on top of my life, I’ve decided to create a bucket list for this summer. I put together a list of six things I want to do this summer. Hopefully, my loyal readers (if I have any left after my dry spell) will hold me accountable.

1. Make one blog post a week.

I didn’t think this would be a hard task to manage. Writing takes time, and time is limited for me. I keep putting my personal blog on the back burner for more important things. I was focusing all my time on the new writing tasks I had just picked up, and I let my personal blog slip away. Between work and writing for Midwest Sports Fans and Aerys Sports, I have become a writing machine. Now that I’m ready to start focusing time toward my blog, I need to set the bar. I think one post a week is perfect for easing back in.


2. Read four books for fun.

There was once  time when I could read a book in one or two days. Unfortunately, my busy schedule does not allow that luxury anymore. Four is my goal for the summer. The first book I am reading is Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. It’s a doozy. I can tell by the five and a half page character roster Follett has listed at the beginning of the book. The other three books on the list are East of Eden by John Steinbeck, For One More Day by Mitch Albom, and The Mormon Murders by Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith.