Tag Archives: social habits

Today’s Technology: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Technology is no longer just a benefit for those who can afford it. It is for everyone and anyone. Technology has even become more than just a way of life. Technology is survival—survival of a brand, survival of staying connected, and survival of the individual.

Google + has opened another line of communication within the social media world; one more way to stay connected. While these tools help us stay in touch and up-to-date with the world, they can also create miscommunication when not used properly.

Here is my break down of technology today.

The Good
I love social media and digital technology. The ability to connect with others who share the same passions I do never fails to amaze me. Heck, Twitter was how I landed my baseball column at Midwest Sports Fans and became a Packer Reporter for Aerys Sports. I use social media first to find my news. The ease of being able to filter out what you do and do not want is what makes these tools so appealing.

As an individual who uses the internet and social media on a daily basis for work, I understand exactly how powerful the impact a company can have on the consumer. The ability to have feedback almost immediately is a win-win for the customer and the company. Not only does a consumer have access to company info, news and customer service, the company can monitor consumer and industry trends.

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