The Man on the Porch–Ken Mueller

I stole this idea from a Twitter friend (Thank you, @ginidietrich!). I have decided to recognize a Twitter friend who has provided me with valuable information, taught me something new, or has been great entertainment. For my first Follow Friday post, I’d like to talk about an individual who has hit all three of those points in the Twittering world.

Ken Mueller (@kmueller) is a Philly sports fanatic. And that’s how our Twitter conversation began; right after the Packers beat the Eagles in the playoffs (sorry to bring that up, again). Anyone who can talk sports, and stand my almost unbearable trash talk, is worth ‘following’.

Here are the reasons I follow Ken and find it worth your time to do the same.

1. Entertaining stories. Whether Ken is talking about the entertaining neighbors or the adventures of teaching a teenager to drive, he is bound to make you chuckle and want to join in the convo!

2. Excellent conversation. Ken is always ready to chat and discuss various topics of interest. You want to talk about business, current events, social media, or life in general, Ken will definitely bring some thought-provoking ideas to the table.

3. Social Media Guru. Well who isn’t these days? What I like about Ken is that he has experience working with various social media tools, but he’s always looking to learn more. As the owner of Inkling Media, Ken works with social media on a daily basis and recognizes that it’s constantly changing. He also teaches social media classes at two different colleges.

4. Wisconsin Cheese Lover. Ok, so maybe this is a good reason for ME to ‘follow’ Ken. But, really, who doesn’t like Wisconsin cheese?

Thank you for the great Twitter entertainment, Ken! I look forward to more of your Tweets.

If you’d like to ‘follow’ Ken, you can find him here:!/kmueller62

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About Amanda Lawson

A young marketing/business professional. Social Media guru. Sports fanatic. Lover of wine and beer. Cheesehead (both the Team and the food). View all posts by Amanda Lawson

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